As many of you have heard our family will be moving down the peninsula to Sauble Beach. This has been a decision that Lynda and I have wrestled with for the past few years and have been waiting to see how God would lead us through this.
When we first moved to Tobermory there was the possibility that Lynda would secure a full time position at the clinic here in town. She was able to start working one day a week and loved her time working here locally. It soon became apparent however that her hours would not change and there wouldn't be a full-time position for years to come. It was at that time we discovered that we needed to go to Bearskin Lake and she resigned from her job. During our time in Bearskin we continued to inquire if a position would be available for her when we returned and we're told it was not. It was at that time that God (we Feel) opened up an amazing job for her in Owen Sound. When we returned Lynda started to work at this new position.
During this time we were still willing to wait for a position to open up here in Tobermory and a year after we returned it almost did. Lynda was offered a full-time position only to have it taken away from her at the last minute. It was becoming apparent to us that a local job for her was not going to happen.
However during this time she was loving her job in Owen Sound and how well they were treating her there. This is when we realized that if our family stayed in Tobermory Lynda would be commuting 2-3 hours a day and not be able to spend the time she wanted with her family. Something needed to change. We didn't want to leave our church so we had to come up with a plan and move in-between our two work places.
It was also at this time our local school continued to fall on hard times. More and more students were leaving and more classes were being cut. This year Rachelle was in a four way split, and Isaac continued to travel to Lion's Head. Once again this quickly became a part of our decision to move also. Not to mention all the programs the kids were starting to get involved with were located down the peninsula.
We prayed about what to do and with a heavy heart we decided that it was time to put our house up for sale. We quickly had some interest in the house but no one bought it. A year quickly went by and we weren't sure what to do next and thought about renting out our home. At that same time (within 5-10 minutes) someone called us and asked if they could rent our house. From that moment everything began to fall into place. All I can say is that God orchestrated it all for us.
So we have actually kept our home and our cottage here in Tobermory and will be moving to Sauble Beach this month. This is why I feel like we are moving but not really. Our hearts and ministry are still here in Tobermory. We'll just be sleeping somewhere else. The kids will be going to the public school in Sauble and Lynda will be so much closer to her work. I'll be the one commuting now during the week and our family will just have a longer trip to church on Sundays.
I'm not sure why God didn't open up the door for us to live here in Tobermory but I know that God knew exactly how all of this was going to work out. It's not a surprise to Him and as I look back at it I see His hand guiding our family and ministry. I'm excited for what God is going to do here in our church and community and look forward to how He continues to lead us in the years to come.
I know that this article is somewhat personal but I wanted to let everyone in our church family know the process that led us to this point. Thanks for all your continued prayers.
Pastor Mike and Lynda