Over the summer from the end of June to Labour Day weekend our church will be hosting campfires at homes throughout the Tobermory area. Every Sunday we go to a different location and get to experience this part of the Peninsula that has so many beautiful areas.
Over the past years we have seen Lake Huron from Eagle Road, Dorcas Bay Road, Cape Hurd and Hay Bay. We have enjoyed Cameron Lake and Dunks Bay. Sometimes having a baptism service in the water. Many times we enjoy the quietness of a families backyard also. No matter where we are we always enjoy each others company and the fellowship that is created during these times.
I don't always get to thank everyone who puts in so much time, money and effort into hosting the campfires and want to say how much I appreciate the sacrifice that you make in opening your homes to our church family.
We have had some amazing times over the last 5 years doing this and look forward to our campfires for the rest of this year.
As a special note. During our last campfire on Labour Day Weekend we will be burning the prayer box that we've been filling with prayers. We did this last year and plan to do it again this year also.
Look forward to seeing you come out and enjoying a campfire with us.